Russian Language and Linguistic Theory (“Russkij yazyk v nauchnom osveshchenii”)

Russian Language and Linguistic Theory (“Russkij yazyk v nauchnom osveshchenii”)

For Authors

The journal accepts manuscripts which have not been previously published. All articles are published in Russian or in English. If you write your paper in English, you may use either American or British English, but not a mixture of these. Authors writing in their non-native language are advised to have their articles thoroughly edited by professionals with native-level proficiency in that language prior to submission.
Before submitting an article, all authors are strictly advised to familiarize themselves with the Instructions for Contributors:
1. Metadata
The metadata of the article include author’s name, title, abstract and key words. The names of authors must be listed in the alphabetical order above the title. For each author indicate his or her affiliation.The abstract must be of 150-250 words, it should be self-contained (no abbreviations, footnotes, or incomplete references) for use in abstracting journals and databases. The abstract must be informative and well-structured. Papers should contain 5-10 key words provided below the abstract. The list of key words must be informative and specific to the content of the article.
2. General Manuscript Formatting Guide
We ask our authors to follow the principles of this style guide while preparing their papers for publication.
1. Your manuscript should be typeset using Microsoft Word and a ‘standard’ font, preferably 12-point Times New Roman (10-point for footnotes), with a line spacing of 1.5 and a first line indent of 0.7 cm on each paragraph. If you use a non-standard font, please attach the font file to your message as well as a copy of your paper in PDF format.
2. The article generally should not exceed 40 000 characters (spaces included), although exceptions are possible.
3. Please, use footnotes with a continuous numbering.
4. The bibliography should be put into alphabetical order and placed at the end of the document. References within the text of the article should be placed into square brackets with, in the general case, indication of the author’s name, year of publication and, if necessary, pages (see below).
5. Please, include a list of the abbreviations and acronyms you use in your article. The list should be placed at the end of the document.
6. Language units and illustrations cited in the article should be italicised. To indicate meaning, please, use English single quotes (‘meaning’), also use French quotation marks (angle quotes, guillemets) for long citations («a long citation»), English double quotes for citations within citations («a long citation “a citation within a citation”»).
7. Any illustrations (maps, images, photos) should be of good quality, in JPEG format with a resolution of at least 300 dpi and the width of at least 13 cm.
8. Place the detailed information about the article’s author (s) (name, affiliation, academic position, mailing address, electronic address, phone number) at the end of the document.
3. Bibliography
The bibliography should be put into alphabetical order and placed at the end of the document. For abbreviated titles, please, first indicate the abbreviation. If you submit your article in Russian, the bibliography should follow the Russian National Standard for Bibliography Items. Please note that in this case the name of the publisher and of the editor (for collections of articles, dictionaries etc.), as well as the name of the research institution or university (for dissertations) must not be omitted.
The titles in a non-roman alphabet should be romanized and translated into English. The romanization should conform to the BSI romanization principles (a transliteration standard approved by the State Department of the United States of America).
Also, please consult the journal's Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement.
“Russkij yazyk v nauchnom osveshchenii” (Russian Language and Linguistic Theory) is a peer-reviewed journal. Every submitted article is evaluated by members of the advisory board and, if needed, by other reviewers with relevant experience and expertise (double-blind peer-review).